Ex Giants Catcher
World Series Ring Manager
Broadcaster, Go Cubs!
One of the docs I work with has partial season tickets and he couldn't use them last night. He and I have had many baseball conversations and he gave me tickets for the seats he and his wife usually occupy - awesome! I won't ramble on about the game too much or our seats behind home plate (behind...and up about 150+ feet) our seats were in one single row with nothing but a brick wall behind us and the only thing in front of us is a 10-inch tall clear plexiglass "divider". Yes, a divider dividing me from a sure-bet vertigo-inducing deathfall, but free great-view seats nonetheless! Woo! Hoo!
After the game I was walking out with my friend (who just bought a Padres hat and was wearing it) when I spied Bob Brenly signing a couple autographs. I pulled out my BlackBerry and had my friend snap this picture. BB was a good sport when my silly friend said "Who is he???" I look a wee bit excited, don't I? Well, I had consumed two delicious Stone IPA's and a glorious chili'n'cheese hot dog in addition to the Cubs' win - a great night!!!
*June 3, 2008 - Post Cubs v. Padres game (9-6 Cubs win) Go Cubs indeed!
Is your hand on his ass?
I'll never tell!
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