My 38th Birthday - that number gives the impression like I am supposed to be an adult or something. Whatever.
I celebrated my pre-birthday at Stone Brewery in Escondido last weekend. I took the brewery tour with some friends and consumed many delicious deceptively-small glasses of the 11th Anniversary Ale. And the Mac'n'Cheese which is not your Kraft dinner macaroni & cheese. A lovely time.
I celebrated my actual birthday by going to work, eating Bronx Pizza, chocolate cake and then hitting the "K9s & Wine" happy hour at an establishment tucked in between the towering downtown hotels. It is a dog-friendly gathering on the patio and we snagged a great table with a mini fire pit to keep us warm: it was in the high 50s outside! The humanity!
The setting was great and the interaction with friends' and strangers' dogs is always entertaining. Toby stayed on my lap most of the time while his pals roamed about: Luna the mix-breed silver-wolfy girl, Dottie the docile Boxer, Olivia the sassy Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and last but not least, Lafitte, the handsome debonair French Bulldog.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes and I look forward to my upcoming trip: Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in southern Utah & a spa day in Las Vegas!! My birthday present to myself!!
Awesome gifts to yourself -- you deserve it! Wish I could have been there on Wednesday, but I'll see you tomorrow!
Happy Birthday to you!! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to my favorite baseball nut!! Happy Birthday to you!!
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